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Access Bars

Access Bars is a gentle hands-on technique that calms the mind and relaxes the body. ‘Getting your Bars run’ (what we call it when you receive a session) allows people to lay back, not have to ‘do’ anything and just receive.

What are the Access Bars®?

The Access Bars are points on the head that when lightly touched, help us to release patterns and programs that limit us. Access Bars helps us access a higher level of our own consciousness over multiple treatments.

How does Access Bars® help?

Access Bars treatments have assisted thousands of people around the world to change many aspects of their lives including sleep, health, weight, money, relationships, anxiety, depression, stress and so much more. Access Bars is an opportunity to let go of what's not working in our lives.

The universe is endlessly abundant and desiring to gift to you!

Calm & Clear Your Mind, Relax Your Body with


Invite healing for body, mind & spirit with the beautiful, relaxing & powerful tool for change that is Access Bars
