Breathwork Sunshine Coast

Breathwork refers to a continuous breathing exercise or technique. People often perform this to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. It’s in the practice of cyclical breathing, continuous breath, that assists to regulate our Nervous System, moving it from our everyday Fright, Fight & Flight (Sympathetic Nervous System) to Rest & Digest (Parasympathetic Nervous System). Bec has been assisting clients, patients and participants in groups to regulate their Nervous Systems since 1988 when she first ran groups as a Psychiatric Nurse.

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Breathwork Benefits

During Breath Work, we intentionally & consciously change our breathing pattern. Breathwork increases connection to our consciousness. Many forms of Breath Work therapy involve breathing in a conscious and systematic way. Many people find breath work promotes deep relaxation, clarity and a sense of calm. It can leave some feeling energised. Experiences are unique to the individual.

Breathwork helps us get out of the sympathetic nervous system response (fright, fight or flight) and into the parasympathetic nervous system response (rest & digest). A slowing of the brainwaves, peace, clarity and a sense of calm are often among benefits experienced.

Set Yourself FREE Through Breathwork

Each individual experiences the BreathWork in a unique way. I myself, have had profound healing for my body, mind and spirit, as well as out of body experiences with BreathWork. So profound have been my results since the 1980's, then called "Rebirthing" that I decided to study BreathWork and become a Facilitator of this Powerful tool for healing the trauma locked in our minds and bodies.

When we release the trauma,
We become free!

Welcome Your New Self, Unlock Your Magic with


Give yourself the chance to connect with your spirit. Unlock your power and learn Breathwork Techniques to use & apply to your daily practice.
